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保持嘴巴张开——黄单胞菌效应蛋白XopS 抑制气孔关闭从而促进细菌进入叶片

来源:个人图书馆-海底丛林 2023-06-15 11:25:42


Margot Raffeiner, Suayib Üstün, Tiziana Guerra, Daniela Spinti, Maria Fitzner, Sophia Sonnewald, Susanne Baldermann, Frederik Börnke, The Xanthomonas type-III effector XopS stabilizes CaWRKY40a to regulate defense responses and stomatal immunity in pepper (Capsicum annuum), The Plant Cell, Volume 34, Issue 5, May 2022, Pages 1684–1708, /10.1093/plcell/koac032


原文:Margot Raffeiner and Frederik Börnke

译者:Chao Bian, TPC Assistant Features Editor

编辑:Xiaowen Shi,TPC Special Content Editor
